Sunday, November 27, 2011

Stressed Out!

So much going on right now... I have been trying to pack our things as much as possible while we are home. But there´s been so much going on. Workwise December is always very busy and this year doesn´t make any exception to the rule. I must say that I am a bit stressed out! I try to chill and think of the good things as much as possible, but so many things are happening that I have no control over.

So you may not hear much from me during December, but you will in January.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Some New Indoor Pictures

Some Pictures Inside the House which were taken today... And YES!! We will be moving right before Christmas. These few pictures won´t necesserily tell you much. I will also be writing much more once we have actually moved I promise.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Not Just Roses

Well, my family's November hasn't started the best way possible, because I had a little accident and hurt my leg severely. It will heel eventually, but I am on sick leave and on two different painkillers. With my personality it's hard for me to sit still, but that's exactly what I need to do right now.

But there are good things going on too. Our house is getting ready on time!! And we found a reliable contractor to renovate our apartment in order to finally sell it. Plus I was offered a great new job last night. The place is situated just 8 minutes away from our new house and I could pretty much say when I want to work. So some things are working out just fine for us!

I am finally realizing how big change this moving to the country will be for us. I can't wait!